Monday 1 April 2013

Summary of Tuesday March 26 meeting

We had a great meeting on Tuesday at Christine's place.  After the check in, Gareth presented material for discussion about Amos, the Old Testament prophet of Social Justice. It was striking how the issues of poverty and inequality in Amos' time still resonate today.  We discussed the idea that living simply, with respect for the land, without an abundance of possessions, is perhaps the more natural state in comparison to the consumerism of modern society.  
We also talked about the Idle No More events attended by some of the group members in March, such as the Wab Kinew presentation and the symposium at the University of Winnipeg.  The Idle No More movement is important in many ways;  to initiate discussion on aboriginal rights, to demonstrate aboriginal culture, to unify all Candians concerned about Bill C-45, among others. We talked about how to show solidarity with the Idle No More movement on a personal level - to reach out and make personal connections with the aboriginal community. 
It was a wonderful discussion. Thanks to all who attended and especially to Christine for hosting.
- Submitted by Amanda

1 comment:

  1. It was a fine conversation. Thank you, Christine, for your warm hospitality. Gareth
