Sunday 28 September 2014

Declarations of Canadians for a New Partnership

Shelagh Rogers was in Winnipeg yesterday evening (Sept 27), joining Wab Kinew in hosting the Burt Award for First Nations, Metis and Inuit Literature.  I had the privilege of being there representing the Canadian Commission for UNESCO.  It was  very obvious during the course of the evening, that Shelagh is powerfully committed to being in partnership with First Peoples.  Here is a letter from Shelagh that Karla has forwarded, inviting us all to sign the online Declaration of Canadians for a New Partnership.  Here is Shelagh's letter.  Please consider signing the declaration.  The link is at the bottom of the post.


Dear Friend,

On Thursday, Canadians for a New Partnership was launched. Its purpose is to advance the public's knowledge and understanding of the histories and cultures of First Peoples, their contribution to Canada and the current issues affecting reconciliation and improved relationships between First Peoples and other Canadians by delivering a national lecture series, operating a speaker’s bureau, maintaining a website, and providing educational materials and resources. We will also do all things that are incidental or conducive to the attainment of these objectives.

I am a member of the board, which includes two former Prime Ministers, two former Assembly of First Nations Chiefs, Sheila Fraser, the Metis leader Tony Belcourt, Mary Simon, Sheila Watt-Cloutier, Chelsea Vowel and Stephen Kakfwi, former NWT Premier and residential school Survivor, among others.

I'm writing to ask if you will sign our on-line Declaration and help spread the word. Many signatures will make a real impact. 

Let's make Canada stronger. Thank you so much. 


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