Sunday, 28 September 2014

Declarations of Canadians for a New Partnership

Shelagh Rogers was in Winnipeg yesterday evening (Sept 27), joining Wab Kinew in hosting the Burt Award for First Nations, Metis and Inuit Literature.  I had the privilege of being there representing the Canadian Commission for UNESCO.  It was  very obvious during the course of the evening, that Shelagh is powerfully committed to being in partnership with First Peoples.  Here is a letter from Shelagh that Karla has forwarded, inviting us all to sign the online Declaration of Canadians for a New Partnership.  Here is Shelagh's letter.  Please consider signing the declaration.  The link is at the bottom of the post.


Dear Friend,

On Thursday, Canadians for a New Partnership was launched. Its purpose is to advance the public's knowledge and understanding of the histories and cultures of First Peoples, their contribution to Canada and the current issues affecting reconciliation and improved relationships between First Peoples and other Canadians by delivering a national lecture series, operating a speaker’s bureau, maintaining a website, and providing educational materials and resources. We will also do all things that are incidental or conducive to the attainment of these objectives.

I am a member of the board, which includes two former Prime Ministers, two former Assembly of First Nations Chiefs, Sheila Fraser, the Metis leader Tony Belcourt, Mary Simon, Sheila Watt-Cloutier, Chelsea Vowel and Stephen Kakfwi, former NWT Premier and residential school Survivor, among others.

I'm writing to ask if you will sign our on-line Declaration and help spread the word. Many signatures will make a real impact. 

Let's make Canada stronger. Thank you so much. 


Friday, 19 September 2014

Museum of Human Rights Opening and Idle No More

Biked past the Human Rights Museum about noon today. Opening ceremony had just ended when I got there, and I found myself in the middle of a little Idle No More action. And I made "friends" with three guys from Shoal Lake. Asked whether I could give them some "Where Waters Meet" propaganda (see "Faith in the City" information posted in this blog), which they happily accepted, in exchange for some "propaganda" of their own.


- submitted by Gareth

Monday, 15 September 2014

Direct Link to Faith in the City Registration

Here is a direct link to the registration form for this year's Faith in the City:  WHERE WATERS MEET.   See Sept 6 post for details.

Click here to access Registration Form.

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

WATER - A Prayer

Karla shared this prayer at the end of August.  It is offered in this blog with her permission.

~Water~         Karla W

Creator God
Mother and Father of all that is
in humbleness and humility for all that is undeserving,
hear our fervent prayer.

We have grown thirsty from crying,
wandering the desert, troubled, delirious...far gone.
We see the water, yet do not drink.

Unclench our sticky, furled fists of greed so we may catch
one lone tear from your heavenly Grace.

Let it wash us clean so that we may, once again, feel the beauty of the children

eyes cleansed, restoring vision that clearly sees the gift of creation

let it run through our veins, blood of giving forgiveness

quenching our insatiable thirst for the riches of the land and sea

give drink to our parched hearts, restoring the connected rhythm with all of creation.


- submitted by Gareth

Saturday, 6 September 2014

Announcing! Faith in the City II

Faith in the City II - WHERE WATERS MEET

First Peoples and Settlers Exploring our Relationship with Mother Earth 
through Shared Stories and Sacred Acts
UPDATE:  This is updated information.  Note, for example, that Where Waters Meet will not begin on Friday evening, as previously planned, but rather on Saturday morning.  

Oct. 18, 19, 2014
Saturday, 9 - 4:30; Sunday morning, 10:30
Augustine United Church
144 River Avenue (Osborne Village)
Winnipeg, Manitoba

This year, Faith in the City II – Augustine’s annual ecumenical, congregationally-based conversation – explores our relationship with Mother Earth.  First Peoples and Settlers will gather at Augustine United Church and at the Assiniboine River nearby, to engage together in examining questions such as:
  • How do we rekindle our spiritual connection to the earth?
  • How can settlers and indigenous peoples be allies in actions to defend our earth’s resources?
  • How has Christian theology/tradition brought us to where we are (e.g. the ecological crisis, the troubled relationship between first peoples/settlers)?
  • How can a decolonized and reimagined Christian theology move us to a new and sacred place?
  • How can the settlers among us find the courage to become unsettled?   

Stan McKay (Cree), Melanie Kampen (Settler Mennonite), Melody McKellar (Mohawk/French) and Steve Heinrichs (Settler Christian) will lead this highly experiential and interactive day of ceremony, conversations and sharing-circles. 

On Sunday, the Very Rev. Dr. Stan McKay (former moderator of the United Church of Canada) will join Rev. Bob Gilbert (Augustine United Church) in leading a special Faith in the City worship service at 10:30 a.m..

Registration Cost
The following categories are guidelines.  Registrants may pay as they are able.
$40 (Fully employed); $30 (employed part-time); $20 (student/unemployed)

Donations are most welcome.  When donating $75 or more, your registration will be included, and a tax-deductible receipt will be issued for a portion of the donation.
Registration Form will be available on the Faith in the City site Monday, September 8.

Please visit the Faith in the City blog for ongoing updates.