Jane Goodall to speak as part of U of W lecture series
Goodall’s work at the Gombe Stream Chimpanzee Reserve became the foundation of contemporary primatological research, effectively redefining the relationship between humans and animals. In 1977, Goodall established the Jane Goodall Institute (JGI), which supports programs for research, education, community development, and conservation, U of W officials saidWorld-renowned primatologist Jane Goodall will speak at the University of Winnipeg Sept. 11.Goodall will be the second speaker in The Axworthy Distinguished Lecturer Series on Social Justice and the Public Good. Her lecture on at 7 p.m. will be free and open to the public.The first lecture in this new series will bring distinguished public intellectual Prof. Cornel West to campus on May 8, best known for his classics Race Matters and Democracy Matters, and his new memoir, Brother West: Living and Loving Out Loud.
The Axworthy Distinguished Lecture Series on Social Justice and the Public Good was established to honour Lloyd Axworthy, U of W president from 2004-14.