Friday, 20 February 2015

Jane Goodall, U of Wpg, Sept 11

Jane Goodall to speak as part of U of W lecture series

Goodall’s work at the Gombe Stream Chimpanzee Reserve became the foundation of contemporary primatological research, effectively redefining the relationship between humans and animals. In 1977, Goodall established the Jane Goodall Institute (JGI), which supports programs for research, education, community development, and conservation, U of W officials saidWorld-renowned primatologist Jane Goodall will speak at the University of Winnipeg Sept. 11.Goodall will be the second speaker in The Axworthy Distinguished Lecturer Series on Social Justice and the Public Good. Her lecture on at 7 p.m. will be free and open to the public.

She will also address the U of W community in conjunction with the Fall Institute, "Humanity, Animality, Secularity." The Institute will offer a special three-credit hour course on ecology in a secular world.

The first lecture in this new series will bring distinguished public intellectual Prof. Cornel West to campus on May 8, best known for his classics Race Matters and Democracy Matters, and his new memoir, Brother West: Living and Loving Out Loud.

The Axworthy Distinguished Lecture Series on Social Justice and the Public Good was established to honour Lloyd Axworthy, U of W president from 2004-14.

May 8 - "Public Religion in a Secular World" - Cornel West at U of Winnipeg

The inaugural Axworthy Lecturer is Dr. Cornel West, on May 8th, 2015 and will coincide with the spring institute “Public Religion in a Secular World”. The lectures are free and open to the public.

More Info:

Dr. West is a prominent and provocative democratic intellectual and civil rights activist. He is the Class of 1943 University Professor at Princeton University and has taught at Union Theological Seminary, Yale, Harvard and the University of Paris. He has written 19 and edited 13 books. West is best known for his classic Race Matters, Democracy Matters, and his new memoir, Brother West: Living and Loving Out Loud. He appears frequently on Real Time with Bill Maher, The Colbert Report, CNN, C-Span, and PBS. He can be heard weekly with Tavis Smiley on “Smiley & West”, the national public radio program distributed by Public Radio International. Along with Smiley, Dr. West participates in the “Poverty Tour”, traveling across the U.S to libraries, non-profits and corporations, and colleges and universities, and religious institutions, to discuss why now is the time to make poverty a priority in America.

He has appeared in over 25 films (including The Matrix Reloaded and The Matrix Revolutions) and documentaries (including Examined Life, Call & Response, Sidewalk and Stand). He has made three spoken word albums including Never Forget, collaborating with Prince, Jill Scott, Andre 3000, Talib Kweli, KRS-One and the late Gerald Levert. In short, West has a passion to communicate to a vast variety of publics in order to keep alive the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr. – a legacy of telling the truth and bearing witness to love, civil rights and social justice.

This year’s Lectureship is sponsored by a generous gift from Dr. Jim Burns. Please visit The University of Winnipeg Foundation’s for information on this new crowdfunding initiative.